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© 2017-2024 Donalda Tavern. All Rights Reserved.


In addition to the Specials noted below, Donalda Tavern has a full dining menu available for lunch and supper, including all the crowd-pleasing meals and mouthwatering munchie & snack foods you would expect. Although the staples of burgers and fries (among other things) are always on the menu, changes and additions occur frequently so it’s a little hard to list here on the web. But you have to know Dean cooks up some of the tastiest, belly warming soups you’ll find anywhere so you need to stop in for lunch and try a bowl!

Weekly Drink Specials

We offer a break to your drinking & dining budget most nights of the week. Stop in Tuesday to Friday to see what that ‘Special’ happens to be.
The Infamous Steak Night Now a Donalda tradition known throughout the area, juicy Alberta steaks are charbroiled to your preference and served with a perfectly baked potato (plus all the trimmings), four salads, buns and baked beans in buffet style from 6 through 9 PM every Friday evening, year round.   Our signature Steak Night has become so popular, we recommend reservations in advance!  Please call 403-883-2044 to reserve your table.  *Full restaurant menu not available on Steak Nights

Phone 403-883-2044

Wing It On Wednesdays…..

and Saturdays too!

Mmmm fresh Chicken Wings in over 20 extraordinary flavours! Dean trials new & unique flavours not on the official menu yet, so that count can change at any time. But what other flavours could there possibly be??? Minimum 12 per flavour Dine-In only Served from 5 PM to 10 PM every Wednesday & Saturday *Full restaurant menu not available after 2 PM Wednesdays or Saturdays
© 2017-2022 Donalda Tavern. All Rights Reserved.


In addition to the Specials noted below, Donalda Tavern has a full menu available for lunch and supper, including all the crowd-pleasing meals and mouthwatering munchie & snack foods you would expect. Although the staples of burgers and fries (among other things) are always on the menu, changes and additions occur frequently so it’s a little hard to list here on the web. But you have to know Dean cooks up some of the tastiest, belly warming soups you’ll find anywhere, so you need to stop in for lunch and try a bowl!

Daily Drink Specials

We offer a break to your drinking & dining budget most nights of the week. Stop in Tuesday to Friday to see what that ‘Special’ happens to be.

The Infamous Steak Night

Now a Donalda tradition known throughout the area, juicy Alberta steaks are grilled to your preference and served with a perfectly baked potato (plus all the trimmings), four salads, buns and baked beans in buffet style from 6 PM through 9 PM every Friday evening, year round. Our signature Steak Night has become so popular, we recommend reservations in advance! Please call 403-883- 2044 to reserve your table. *Full restaurant menu not available after 2 PM on Steak Nights (Fridays)

Wing It On Wednesdays…..

and Saturdays too!

Mmmm fresh Chicken Wings in over 20 extraordinary flavours! Dean trials new & unique flavours not on the official menu yet, so that count can change at any time. But what other flavours could there possibly be??? Minimum 12 per flavour Dine-In only Served from 5 PM to 10 PM every Wednesday & Saturday *Full restaurant menu not available after 2 PM Wednesdays or Saturdays